Adam, Keith, and Meg leave Buffalo, NY at 9:00 am EST, with a send-off by Matt, a roof rack, 2 camping bags, a duffle bag, 3 chocolate chip muffins, and a tray of Tim Horton's coffee among other things.
I drove first. Stalled out before we left the driveway...won't live that one down, I'm sure.

Adam spent the day grading papers, getting sick from the car, taking meds, and then continuing to grade.

Keith was the first to sleep.
Our first stop was Cleveland, OH...the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
There was no Hard Rock Cafe...lame.
It wasn't a terrible museum, but for $17 it wasn't necessarily worth it.
Gourmet lunch at Subway...after the New York Deli that we found on the GPS was closed indefinitely and the "deli" across the street had a sandwich counter but no sandwich making items...weird.
Downtown Cleveland was dead...more dead than Buffalo...which gave me some weird sense of joy. It can always be worse, you know?
From Cleveland we jumped back on the highway toward Toledo and hit up Perrysburg for dinner with the familia!! Tons of fun and laughter...and Milo...the cat who wanted to play...and by play, I mean bite. haha. Dinner was awesome, the company; better!
*North Faces in China
We left Cleveland at 9:00 pm and headed toward the 4th state of the day, Indiana. Got to the University of Notre Dame where my love, Theo, was waiting for us!

We got a night tour which included a biased view of the inter-hall rivalries...but obviously we are all now faithful Zahm house supporters...I mean...I kissed the moose--and that is an unbreakable bond! The boys had a sleepover at Zahm while Theo, Meg, Baio (sp?) and I hit up IHOP (nutella/banana/strawberry die for) then headed to downtown Southbend. We entered to Mariah Carey, stayed for piano man, and left at close to non other than the ND Fight Song...We watched the drunken mass of seniors leave and headed back to campus around 3:30 am to crash for the night. I stayed with Meg in the girls' dorm.
Day 1...complete.
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