Started the day at Hangar One vodka tastings at St. George's Spirits in Alameda, CA. We tried about 15 different things...but I liked the liqueurs the best. Bought t-shirts to commemorate our trip and had glasses to bring home as well. We were giddy.
Finished off the early afternoon with lunch at a burrito place in Alameda...soooo good. Keith's right, it's amazing how great the original is, when you don't go all picky. I had a burrito and have no clue what was on it. I DO know that it would not have been nearly as tasty had I chosen the basics that I always stick to. Hopefully a sign of good things to come when it comes to new foods in Costa Rica!
Next we headed to UC Berkeley to check out the architecture school since Adam is interested in applying to their PhD program. It was a gorgeous day. Adriane couldn't meet us because she had some work to get done...before we leave, though. Anyways...we walked around in search of PhD students and/or their work for a good hour and were unsuccessful. We encountered a few people who filled us in on their undergrad and grad programs though, and got to see some neat projects along the way, including one on Buffalo, believe it or not.
Adam seemed really nervous. I hope he liked it, but I'm sure he'll be fine wherever he ends up and he can always visit again or get in touch with someone to get more info.
After Berkeley we jumped in the carpool lanes and not only skipped the traffic but got to skip the tolls, too; the beauty of the HOV lane! Entered San Francisco and hit up the pier area where we got coffee and walked around for a bit. It was chilly because the fog was rolling in...which I was unaware the city was known for...so I bought a sweatshirt, which I'm sure will come in useful in the cloud forest soon, too!
Fisherman's Wharf smelled, well...like fish...and we watched birds gathered waiting for a bite that was sure to fall at some point with everyone bustling about.
We found out that Californians are so skinny because they wear black in 100 degree weather in the sun and push strollers through their hilly streets to get to keg parties thrown in the back of a U-Haul truck instead of driving the way that we do...what a strange ritual to witness.
"Where are you running?"
We saw Alcatraz and the Golden Gate, which we decided we needed a closer look at, so we drove across...got the full experience and of course took pictures from the most typical of locations...because hey--we're tourists today :)

Hightailed it back to San Jose to meet up with Keith's friends Christian and Kristen at their favorite bar. It was a lot of fun til the end of the night at which point it was obviously time to leave. Got back to the house. Adam leaves tomorrow for LA, which stinks. Chillin' in "my" room waiting for something to happen for the time-being. This was not what I would call a good "last night."
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