Headed out fairly early in the morning from ND and grabbed some Starbucks...because who doesn't go with the huge chains??
I drove first and managed to get us into Chi-town around 9...we changed time zones...so I really have no idea when we got there? We ended up walking around for about 5 hours, checking out the architecture, the awesome green spaces, etc. And when I say we walked...I mean we walked. a lot.

The coolest thing we saw was probably the jelly bean-esque thinger at Millennium Park...or maybe it was Adam standing next to the Gehry buildig in the park with his F* Gehry shirt on...yeah...that may have won out :)
It ended up raining...then hailing...but nothing that we couldn't handle walking in for the 5 minutes that it occurred in.

We attempted to get Chicago deep-dish pizza at the Navy Pier...but the girl who took Keith's order and mine must have missed that...so we all shared our different types. It was good...I think I just like any type of pizza.
I was really jealous of how Chicago had managed to beat the sprawl created after WWII that killed so many US cities like Buffalo. It gave me some ideas...I wish we had more resources in the B.Lo to preserve and develop.
So...Adam admitted that he liked Chicago better than New York...blasphemous...but I think I agree...yeah...definitely.

After Chicago I spent aout one or two hours sitting in traffic to get us out of the city...lame.
From there, Adam took over. He didn't stall. I got made fun of. Keith thinks Adam looks like a monster in his little "go-cart" Gulf. nice.

We drove into the night to Minnesota (don't hate on the moving-nighttime picture skills) to see Tom and Christen!!! Despite the long drive, it was much closer than I'd originally thought it would be. Had some pizza for dinner (we were surprisingly not hungry before 10pm) and Keith passed out after a glass of wine, mid-convo with Tom! Managed to get showers in. Tomorrow Tom's going to take us around St. Paul and Minneapolis since we couldn't see them as well in the dark.
"The Seeker," then sleep.
so the bean thing at Millenium Park is actually known as "The Bean" - Imagine that...but its actual name is Cloud Gate. I know this because of the amount of (ridiculous) time I spent trying to research its structure...believe you me, its impressive...