Got up a little bit later this morning because I didn't have to go all the way to the institute for class. Cristina met me at the gas station and we walked down toward Santa Elena. Met up with Fernando and Tuona along the way and started Spanish class which basically consisted of getting to know the town a bit, practicing Spanish conversation and inquiries at local businesses. We actually learned a lot, including the fact that we can use the pool at the hotel "Poco a Poco" for about $10 for a whole day.
That would have been a nice way to spend yesterday or today (at the pool) because it's what they call "veranillo" which is basically "little summer." Every year on the feast of San Luis, Monteverde gets a day or two free of I understand why it rains so much here...that sun is HOT. Luckily there wsa a good breeze the whole time we were walking.
I still feel crappy, actually worse than yesterday, so one of my class interactions was with the pharmacist to get medication. Feeling better, and still drinking lots of water...I had the rest of the day to work on studio and to get ready for a soccer game that Anibal set up at the synthetic field against a local tico team. We got a little while to warm up and play against ourselves before they showed up and kicked our butts about 47 to 7...but no one was counting after about goal 12. haha. It was a good time, despite our losing. Wish I could have played a bit better and helped our team out, but it was all for fun!
Ate, and managed to stay up to watch the news with Marlen and Daisy but I'm fading fast!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Was supposed to spend a good majority of my day with the family for the baptism and the birthday party...and my alarm didn't go off...
This is not a new issue. I think the problem was that my alarm clock needs a new battery which is why I've depended on my cell phone (which is only about 50% reliable...0% this morning). The fam probably thinks I was out late drinking but it was just something that little. I'm surprised they didn't wake me up, especially considering that we've talked about it all week, if not more than that...I almost feel like they didn't really want me there and it was just a courtesy thing? I don't know.
Other than that I had a good day. That smoke last night really did me throat is killing me and my head is pounding. Studio wasn't happening so Amber and I layed out on the front lawn, walked with Dan's host brother, Francis, to the cheese factory, and then the three of us and his younger brother, Luis, played some frisbee. We almost killed them when they ran into the bushes trying to catch a few of our throws...oops!
Amber and I headed down to Sta. Elena to run some errands and ended up sitting and chatting for a while over a plate of Nachos and some strawberry smoothies at the Tree House cafe. Walked all the way back up to the Institute only to find Linsey and Tuona heading back down to town so we grabbed our stuff, and Keith, and met up to walk down to the Tree House for dinner and relaxation. Calm day, with lots of walking, and lots of water.
This is not a new issue. I think the problem was that my alarm clock needs a new battery which is why I've depended on my cell phone (which is only about 50% reliable...0% this morning). The fam probably thinks I was out late drinking but it was just something that little. I'm surprised they didn't wake me up, especially considering that we've talked about it all week, if not more than that...I almost feel like they didn't really want me there and it was just a courtesy thing? I don't know.
Other than that I had a good day. That smoke last night really did me throat is killing me and my head is pounding. Studio wasn't happening so Amber and I layed out on the front lawn, walked with Dan's host brother, Francis, to the cheese factory, and then the three of us and his younger brother, Luis, played some frisbee. We almost killed them when they ran into the bushes trying to catch a few of our throws...oops!
Amber and I headed down to Sta. Elena to run some errands and ended up sitting and chatting for a while over a plate of Nachos and some strawberry smoothies at the Tree House cafe. Walked all the way back up to the Institute only to find Linsey and Tuona heading back down to town so we grabbed our stuff, and Keith, and met up to walk down to the Tree House for dinner and relaxation. Calm day, with lots of walking, and lots of water.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The place for amigos
This is where I live... :)

Headed up to the institute in a hurry this morning around 9:30 to meet Linsey and Tuona for the Friends' School rummage sale. It was HOT! No one was around so I figured they left without me and I just ran up there. The doors weren't open but there were a good 30 people waiting outside already...none of whom were my classmates! Cristina and Marco were there with their daughter, Naila...she's just adorable! I didn't have money, though I wish I did so I could have gotten something for Raulito's birthday and Mariana's baptism tomorrow.

Apparently someone photostalked with my camera...LINSEY.

Once I realized they weren't there, I headed back to studio to do a little work. Shortly thereafter I caught a huge portion of my family over skype at Aunt Mag & Uncle Lou's house for Liz's graduation party. Jealous. It sounded like a lot of fun and it made me miss home. For some reason the sound wasn't working so after making faces and reading lips for about 30 minutes Jess and I gave up.
Headed home then met up at Johnny's so we could go to the bat museum. Unfortunately, the woman Amber spoke to this afternoon is a liar...ok, maybe that's too strong of a statement, but either way when the group arrived, she came out and turned off the light and said they're closed. Super. By that time there was a decent-sized group of us so we headed to the Pizzeria where Ledi (pronounced "Lady") greeted us as per usual. We only had one deck of cards so we played a game that Keith called "Pass the Shit" since it only requires one card per person per round. Amber started demonstrating the card trick her host brother taught her, and even more of the group appeared!
Gravin & Lins:
At this point it was time to split up in order to accomodate everyone so Tuona, Lins, Bryan, Oriane and I went to Bar Amigos to dance. Not sure what everyone else ended up doing, they were still playing cards when we left. Met up with Gravin (sp?) upon arrival and he ended up hanging out and dancing with us most of the night! Marvin, Anibal's bro, and Jainer were there, too! I met Adolfo, who is his brother's twin as far as I'm concerned, which is how we met. I played soccer at the mini-field near my house with his bro and thought it was him! What's really entertaining about it is that I asked Adolfo's bro one day if he had been at the Cheese Factory earlier in the day and he told me that it must have been his brother...they really DO look alike, but apparently they aren't twins...? W/e.
No DJ Toni tonight! Much better than usual nights out at Amigos which was good. Chatted with Jainer for a bit til his g/f got mad--oops--it's too bad because he's really interesting to talk to. Fernando showed up around 1am. The smoke tonight was intense...I think it's because we were there a lot later and a lot longer than usual. The combo of cigarettes and the smoke machine was a bit extreme but all in all a really fun day!
Friday, June 19, 2009
My first dance night!
It was really nice out for most of the day today. Working on studio is really tough because combining multiple designs is never easy...I would actually beg to suggest that it would be easier to design in teams to begin with instead of individually and then together, which I thought we would do from the beginning.
I did some research on wall types, facades, and wall sections today but to no end as it was fairly random. I did learn a bit about wattle and daub (which has a million spellings, feel free to let me know if you know the correct one). I think that metal may not be the way to go because of the rain is a really terrible absorber when it comes to noise.
After lunch, when I realized that the work I was doing felt useless I talked with Josh and he hadn't started the powerpoint so I jumped on it. I believe we're going to try to re-use the powerpoint from last year that also had two proposals for the same project. I began translating and writing the notes in spanish for the presentation. Before we get the two proposals there is still a lot that can be done on this so it should keep me busy until I can be more helpful to my team with the design.
Met with everyone just before 5 and ended up having a long meeting discussing what design has been done and how it needs collaboration despite the difficulty of this. I agree, but saying it aloud again doesn't make it any easier. Looks like it's going to be a whacky proposal...but there's a week to go and it needs to happen like...yesterday, so I am sure I'll be in here a lot this weekend.
After the meeting I didn't feel much like going to the dance class that Anibal and Evelyn planned so I went and played photographer. I attempted to help Tyler out with his salsa...he was so hilarious while I videotaped...he wouldn't let the camera out of his sight because he was so self-conscious! Everyone did surprisingly well until they got hungry at which point they got cranky and went home to eat. I walked back with Lins and Tuona and planned to meet up before meeting everyone to practice the new dance moves at La Guarida.
Chatted with Daisy about the stuff that has been going on at's a small town, she's bound to find out at some point and at least I can tell her from closer to the source I guess.
The Goddess of Regueton was on TV...its basically American Idol for Regueton-dancers...which means super-grindy, music-video-esque the end the past winners came on and my family was making comments about the two girls who were overweight and it really bothered me. Just before that, while I was getting ready, little Raul came into the bathroom and asked me where I was going. I told him I was going dancing and he, being 4 and taking in everything he hears from all around him, says "you're too fat to go dancing, right?" and i tried to get him to explain and he said "because americans are fat and you eat too much." WOW. Talk about the harsh truth of the matter. I was a bit taken aback and asked if he meant me and he said's weird because I think that any terms here can be used as terms of endearment that we usually take negatively in the US such as "gordita"-fatty, or "negrita"-little black girl. At the same that it's important for us to understand and learn these differences, I think it is as important for our families to learn from us about our culture. This was a tough lesson from a 4 year old.
Met up with the girls and had to basically take a shower for my legs at Linsey's because walking a mile in flip-flops on dirty roads equals basic ruin of cleanliness. no fun. From there we took Yenaro (sp?) to Johnny's. Finally got the names of all of our friends there, Randall, Luis-Carlos and Jainer (sp?). They were about to close down to head to Guarida, so that was cool and we ended up meeting them out.
At Guarida I spent a while wandering around, chatting with each person who came in from our group who was all over the place at the bar. There were girls dressed in what I thought was underwear (until around midnight when there was an actual lingerie show and I realized what underwear really is...) dancing in the middle dance floor. I'm not going to say they were terrible dancers, but they weren't anything super-special either. Shortly after they played all of my favorite songs from the US for these girls to dance to, they switched it up and played music that Anibal and Evelyn had taught dances to so a bunch of people hit the dance floor. I played photographer. I found out a bit later that Jainer is the only tico I've met so far outside of the institute who can dance! He was there with his brother's wife and his neice and she lent him to me to dance. SO MUCH FUN! I love all of the cool spins and everything and I can follow pretty much anyone if they are a strong leader...I just need to get the basic steps and I'm good to go.
Everyone started trickling out just before or during the lingerie show...which was like a 45 minute production of girls in thongs and bras modelling on the dance floor. The boys said it's probably the closest thing there is to a strip club here. Jainer told me he doesn't like it because, while he and Randall both admitted the girls are gorgeous, obviously, he doesn't understand why anyone would want to parade themselves around for people that way and they don't think it's a decent job. Meh...I wasn't entertained, but it also wasn't meant for me to be-haha.
Home super-late. Meetin up early tomorrow.
I did some research on wall types, facades, and wall sections today but to no end as it was fairly random. I did learn a bit about wattle and daub (which has a million spellings, feel free to let me know if you know the correct one). I think that metal may not be the way to go because of the rain is a really terrible absorber when it comes to noise.
After lunch, when I realized that the work I was doing felt useless I talked with Josh and he hadn't started the powerpoint so I jumped on it. I believe we're going to try to re-use the powerpoint from last year that also had two proposals for the same project. I began translating and writing the notes in spanish for the presentation. Before we get the two proposals there is still a lot that can be done on this so it should keep me busy until I can be more helpful to my team with the design.
Met with everyone just before 5 and ended up having a long meeting discussing what design has been done and how it needs collaboration despite the difficulty of this. I agree, but saying it aloud again doesn't make it any easier. Looks like it's going to be a whacky proposal...but there's a week to go and it needs to happen like...yesterday, so I am sure I'll be in here a lot this weekend.
After the meeting I didn't feel much like going to the dance class that Anibal and Evelyn planned so I went and played photographer. I attempted to help Tyler out with his salsa...he was so hilarious while I videotaped...he wouldn't let the camera out of his sight because he was so self-conscious! Everyone did surprisingly well until they got hungry at which point they got cranky and went home to eat. I walked back with Lins and Tuona and planned to meet up before meeting everyone to practice the new dance moves at La Guarida.
Chatted with Daisy about the stuff that has been going on at's a small town, she's bound to find out at some point and at least I can tell her from closer to the source I guess.
The Goddess of Regueton was on TV...its basically American Idol for Regueton-dancers...which means super-grindy, music-video-esque the end the past winners came on and my family was making comments about the two girls who were overweight and it really bothered me. Just before that, while I was getting ready, little Raul came into the bathroom and asked me where I was going. I told him I was going dancing and he, being 4 and taking in everything he hears from all around him, says "you're too fat to go dancing, right?" and i tried to get him to explain and he said "because americans are fat and you eat too much." WOW. Talk about the harsh truth of the matter. I was a bit taken aback and asked if he meant me and he said's weird because I think that any terms here can be used as terms of endearment that we usually take negatively in the US such as "gordita"-fatty, or "negrita"-little black girl. At the same that it's important for us to understand and learn these differences, I think it is as important for our families to learn from us about our culture. This was a tough lesson from a 4 year old.
Met up with the girls and had to basically take a shower for my legs at Linsey's because walking a mile in flip-flops on dirty roads equals basic ruin of cleanliness. no fun. From there we took Yenaro (sp?) to Johnny's. Finally got the names of all of our friends there, Randall, Luis-Carlos and Jainer (sp?). They were about to close down to head to Guarida, so that was cool and we ended up meeting them out.
At Guarida I spent a while wandering around, chatting with each person who came in from our group who was all over the place at the bar. There were girls dressed in what I thought was underwear (until around midnight when there was an actual lingerie show and I realized what underwear really is...) dancing in the middle dance floor. I'm not going to say they were terrible dancers, but they weren't anything super-special either. Shortly after they played all of my favorite songs from the US for these girls to dance to, they switched it up and played music that Anibal and Evelyn had taught dances to so a bunch of people hit the dance floor. I played photographer. I found out a bit later that Jainer is the only tico I've met so far outside of the institute who can dance! He was there with his brother's wife and his neice and she lent him to me to dance. SO MUCH FUN! I love all of the cool spins and everything and I can follow pretty much anyone if they are a strong leader...I just need to get the basic steps and I'm good to go.
Everyone started trickling out just before or during the lingerie show...which was like a 45 minute production of girls in thongs and bras modelling on the dance floor. The boys said it's probably the closest thing there is to a strip club here. Jainer told me he doesn't like it because, while he and Randall both admitted the girls are gorgeous, obviously, he doesn't understand why anyone would want to parade themselves around for people that way and they don't think it's a decent job. Meh...I wasn't entertained, but it also wasn't meant for me to be-haha.
Home super-late. Meetin up early tomorrow.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
...and don't get arrested...
Today was a mess. Completely unproductive. Lots of drinking last night for people ended up resulting in an arrest which basically turned everyone's day upside-down.
I just wasn't feeling going out last night, and I guess it's a good thing that I just went to bed...around per usual.
Everyone is ok physically but this really throws a wrench into the semester that we don't need. Meetings all day with individuals and groups and just made it harder to concentrate on anything and to get work done not to mention the already difficult time I'm having of it. I'm completely designer's-block right now...and the worst part about it is there's no cure but to wait it out...but what happens when there isn't any time to wait and you need to present a final project in less than a week and a half?
I guess we'll see.
Dessert with Sam, Tuona, and Lins at Johnny's was good. Then we went to the gym to watch some soccer games for free entertainment that was completely unrelated to drinking...go team.
I just wasn't feeling going out last night, and I guess it's a good thing that I just went to bed...around per usual.
Everyone is ok physically but this really throws a wrench into the semester that we don't need. Meetings all day with individuals and groups and just made it harder to concentrate on anything and to get work done not to mention the already difficult time I'm having of it. I'm completely designer's-block right now...and the worst part about it is there's no cure but to wait it out...but what happens when there isn't any time to wait and you need to present a final project in less than a week and a half?
I guess we'll see.
Dessert with Sam, Tuona, and Lins at Johnny's was good. Then we went to the gym to watch some soccer games for free entertainment that was completely unrelated to drinking...go team.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's Raining, It's Clouding.
Up early, looking nice out.
Day started out great-with a spider climbing on Daisy, my host mom, and her literally jumping out of her seat yelling to get it off. This is not to say that I found joy in her suffering, only that I find joy in the fact that we both do suffer...when we must deal with insects. haha.
Spent the morning in spanish class. Did my presentation on regueton then back to the grind with studio. Had an informational meeting with an engineer about septic systems...which I missed half of because I was in the library and it wasn't on the schedule. Then we had our client meeting in the afternoon with Chepe (Jose Francisco). It went really well. He's very mild-mannered and seemed pretty content with all of the projects. After her left, we decided that the best way to progress to give them fewer options to choose from is to split into two groups. Will and I are going to work together to create a scheme which is more compact and includes the police station within the same building as the offices, while Keith and Josh work on a scheme which includes the police station as a separate building.
Our debriefing clearly took place at the Cheese Factory (better known as icecream and brownie haven of Monteverde Institute students...).
It was almost the end of the day, but Will and I sat and tried to gather our mjor ideas and goals for our new design. This is definitely going to be tough because Chepe was so vague and didn't have many negatives, and no SUPER-positives to give too much direction. We're kind of on our own...I guess we'll take this as an opportunity to live the architects dream? Design what you know works and includes the program, but how you want to envision it? Here goes, right?!
Before we left..."the" scorpion that people saw earlier in the week was spotted...and THIS time we were all prepared...with one goal: catch the scorpion. Everyone ran up the stairs...except Linsey, who fled her desk as if a puma was crawling through the wall! I chased it into a crack...which was not open the the floor below, and the capture ensued. Once in a box, it was transferred to the plastic garbage can at which point Keith re-verbalized his desire to catch another so that they could fight...and within seconds Dan informed us that he found another one near our we went running (again) and this time I got to catch it! Threw it in...they both played dead...
and then...we found another one. That's right...that made 3 scorpions, by our desks, in 45 minutes and when we got bored of watching them and taking pictures and were on our way out to walk home, they found another. 4. Haha. Welcome to Costa Rica.
The rest of the night was pretty lame in comparison...just dinner and listening to Daisy and Marlen talking about perfumes, makeup, and purses. Everyone else was meeting up at 8 either at the Pizzeria or to go on a hike but I got sleepy in the past half hour. Shower then bed.
Day started out great-with a spider climbing on Daisy, my host mom, and her literally jumping out of her seat yelling to get it off. This is not to say that I found joy in her suffering, only that I find joy in the fact that we both do suffer...when we must deal with insects. haha.
Spent the morning in spanish class. Did my presentation on regueton then back to the grind with studio. Had an informational meeting with an engineer about septic systems...which I missed half of because I was in the library and it wasn't on the schedule. Then we had our client meeting in the afternoon with Chepe (Jose Francisco). It went really well. He's very mild-mannered and seemed pretty content with all of the projects. After her left, we decided that the best way to progress to give them fewer options to choose from is to split into two groups. Will and I are going to work together to create a scheme which is more compact and includes the police station within the same building as the offices, while Keith and Josh work on a scheme which includes the police station as a separate building.
Our debriefing clearly took place at the Cheese Factory (better known as icecream and brownie haven of Monteverde Institute students...).
It was almost the end of the day, but Will and I sat and tried to gather our mjor ideas and goals for our new design. This is definitely going to be tough because Chepe was so vague and didn't have many negatives, and no SUPER-positives to give too much direction. We're kind of on our own...I guess we'll take this as an opportunity to live the architects dream? Design what you know works and includes the program, but how you want to envision it? Here goes, right?!
Before we left..."the" scorpion that people saw earlier in the week was spotted...and THIS time we were all prepared...with one goal: catch the scorpion. Everyone ran up the stairs...except Linsey, who fled her desk as if a puma was crawling through the wall! I chased it into a crack...which was not open the the floor below, and the capture ensued. Once in a box, it was transferred to the plastic garbage can at which point Keith re-verbalized his desire to catch another so that they could fight...and within seconds Dan informed us that he found another one near our we went running (again) and this time I got to catch it! Threw it in...they both played dead...
and then...we found another one. That's right...that made 3 scorpions, by our desks, in 45 minutes and when we got bored of watching them and taking pictures and were on our way out to walk home, they found another. 4. Haha. Welcome to Costa Rica.
The rest of the night was pretty lame in comparison...just dinner and listening to Daisy and Marlen talking about perfumes, makeup, and purses. Everyone else was meeting up at 8 either at the Pizzeria or to go on a hike but I got sleepy in the past half hour. Shower then bed.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The rain comes instead of our client
Tico time.
Worked all morning and early afternoon on some presentation materials for our client, Jose Francisco who was supposed to come today at 1. He didn't show and called us about an hour into our "self-review" to reschedule for tomorrow. Review went all the way until 5. There will only be a few hours between Spanish and lunch and the review tomorrow so I may start on the report that we have to do.
It poured. When it pours here, you can't hear a word anyone is saying outside of 2 feet from your ears because the rooves are so thin that it drowns everything out. It's incredible! Does not help production at all and it has become a major design issue that we are going to work on for our proposals.
After review the net wasn't working and I hadn't been on in a few days so Tuona and I hauled it to the "white castle" cafe, as she calls it, in order to get on. It was slow there, and two hours resulted in very little progress but it was better than nothing. Arturo was supposed to be at the institute to fix the computers and internet today but he didn't show...two tico no-shows! Life in a place where transportation depends mostly on your own two feet!
After the cafe I headed home and was going to go see if I could borrow Ali's computer for the morning and instead I totally forgot why I had even gone in the first place because we sat down on her wooden floor and talked until midnight. She's a world traveler and I lvoed hearing about all of the places she'd gone and people she ran into and fidning that she did that despite being a lot like me, shy to approach but happy to talk when someone initiates conversation. Of course sharing stories about life and studying here was fabulous bonding time too! It's really nice to know that other people think about the same how we all get full from a meal and are hungry again within 30 minutes...what is that about?! haha.
Walked home at midnight and decided that I was still awake enough to shower...I FINALLY figured out how to get hot water in the shower...score. There's a ginormous spider living behind the lightbulb fixture on my ceiling...which i JUST noticed. At least he kills other bugs? I guess? I'm going to try to pretend that I didn't jsut see him before he disappeared into his home...
Up early to do spanish research that didn't get done at the cafe!
Skype date with Malte this weekend!!!
Worked all morning and early afternoon on some presentation materials for our client, Jose Francisco who was supposed to come today at 1. He didn't show and called us about an hour into our "self-review" to reschedule for tomorrow. Review went all the way until 5. There will only be a few hours between Spanish and lunch and the review tomorrow so I may start on the report that we have to do.
It poured. When it pours here, you can't hear a word anyone is saying outside of 2 feet from your ears because the rooves are so thin that it drowns everything out. It's incredible! Does not help production at all and it has become a major design issue that we are going to work on for our proposals.
After review the net wasn't working and I hadn't been on in a few days so Tuona and I hauled it to the "white castle" cafe, as she calls it, in order to get on. It was slow there, and two hours resulted in very little progress but it was better than nothing. Arturo was supposed to be at the institute to fix the computers and internet today but he didn't show...two tico no-shows! Life in a place where transportation depends mostly on your own two feet!
After the cafe I headed home and was going to go see if I could borrow Ali's computer for the morning and instead I totally forgot why I had even gone in the first place because we sat down on her wooden floor and talked until midnight. She's a world traveler and I lvoed hearing about all of the places she'd gone and people she ran into and fidning that she did that despite being a lot like me, shy to approach but happy to talk when someone initiates conversation. Of course sharing stories about life and studying here was fabulous bonding time too! It's really nice to know that other people think about the same how we all get full from a meal and are hungry again within 30 minutes...what is that about?! haha.
Walked home at midnight and decided that I was still awake enough to shower...I FINALLY figured out how to get hot water in the shower...score. There's a ginormous spider living behind the lightbulb fixture on my ceiling...which i JUST noticed. At least he kills other bugs? I guess? I'm going to try to pretend that I didn't jsut see him before he disappeared into his home...
Up early to do spanish research that didn't get done at the cafe!
Skype date with Malte this weekend!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Work Work Work! Faster!
Got up later than I´d hoped today. Setting the cell phone didn´t work...not quite sure why not.
Spanish class went well. Except three women tend to dominate and intimidate a certain male in our hem..Fernando! Not that I blame him too much because there aren´t any other males to help him defend against us. After this disaster of a weekend I still hadn´t gotten my music project done for class so it´s due Wednesday. With our client meeting tomorrow I still won´t have time for it until tomorrow night.
The internet situation here is really really tough. One, because it´s spotty to begin with, but two because I don´t have a laptop yet (the fam is being awesome and bringing one over break to help me out)! Not having a laptop would be totally fine if the two comps they set up for us were a) logged in without the missing password and username and b) connected to the net. Since they aren´t, though, it means that my options are a) library between 8 and 5...when I am not allowed to use skype, b) depend on my awesome friends to let me borrow laptops for research etc during the day and for skype at night, c) pay to use internet cafes, or d) go old school and just go without it...which I do. No complaints at all, just thoughts.
Spent the rest of the day working on my site plan-floor plans for our meeting tomorrow. Amazing how long hand-drawings take!
Had dinner at home with Marlen and Daisy. Raul had a fever...he was dressed up for winter in Buffalo and it was approximately 70 degrees...just to give you an idea of what ¨winter¨is like here.
Met up with Tuona at Johnny´s and just chatted for a few hours. Our bartender-waiter Randall came to say hello. Linsey showed up too for an escape from the family for a bit. I really enjoyed just hanging out with them and NOT going to bed at 8pm. When I told Daisy I was going out for coffee she said ¨going out on the streets again...¨ oh goodness. It equates to Gram´s ¨dirty little stayout¨ label I suppose! It´s amazing that going out at 8pm and staying out until 10 is a late night!
On the way home there weren´t any was incredible. I think this was the first time I really saw the stars and it was gorgeous. I wish I had someone to walk up to the radio towers with to get away from the ¨city lights,¨ if you could call them that. Managed to look down just in time to avoid stepping on a tarantula...yep. That´s correct. It was running around so I decided to use my foot for scale instead of my hand. sounds like there are bugs in every direction...I´m learning to sleep with my head out from underneath three blankets, though, so I guess I´m making steps in the right direction...
Not quite tica yet!
Spanish class went well. Except three women tend to dominate and intimidate a certain male in our hem..Fernando! Not that I blame him too much because there aren´t any other males to help him defend against us. After this disaster of a weekend I still hadn´t gotten my music project done for class so it´s due Wednesday. With our client meeting tomorrow I still won´t have time for it until tomorrow night.
The internet situation here is really really tough. One, because it´s spotty to begin with, but two because I don´t have a laptop yet (the fam is being awesome and bringing one over break to help me out)! Not having a laptop would be totally fine if the two comps they set up for us were a) logged in without the missing password and username and b) connected to the net. Since they aren´t, though, it means that my options are a) library between 8 and 5...when I am not allowed to use skype, b) depend on my awesome friends to let me borrow laptops for research etc during the day and for skype at night, c) pay to use internet cafes, or d) go old school and just go without it...which I do. No complaints at all, just thoughts.
Spent the rest of the day working on my site plan-floor plans for our meeting tomorrow. Amazing how long hand-drawings take!
Had dinner at home with Marlen and Daisy. Raul had a fever...he was dressed up for winter in Buffalo and it was approximately 70 degrees...just to give you an idea of what ¨winter¨is like here.
Met up with Tuona at Johnny´s and just chatted for a few hours. Our bartender-waiter Randall came to say hello. Linsey showed up too for an escape from the family for a bit. I really enjoyed just hanging out with them and NOT going to bed at 8pm. When I told Daisy I was going out for coffee she said ¨going out on the streets again...¨ oh goodness. It equates to Gram´s ¨dirty little stayout¨ label I suppose! It´s amazing that going out at 8pm and staying out until 10 is a late night!
On the way home there weren´t any was incredible. I think this was the first time I really saw the stars and it was gorgeous. I wish I had someone to walk up to the radio towers with to get away from the ¨city lights,¨ if you could call them that. Managed to look down just in time to avoid stepping on a tarantula...yep. That´s correct. It was running around so I decided to use my foot for scale instead of my hand. sounds like there are bugs in every direction...I´m learning to sleep with my head out from underneath three blankets, though, so I guess I´m making steps in the right direction...
Not quite tica yet!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Let down
So today was more charetting for the first half of the day and then a presentation in the afternoon around 3. Went well, got some good feedback from Kevin and Jajean and learned a bit from seeing the stuff from the group, too. Tomorrow I'll look over the two designs I have that are more master-planned and see if I can better them a bit with the advice I was given.
After our crit I watched Pan's Labyrinth in Spanish at the auditorium. It was a really weird movie. I'm still not sure what I think of it. The gore definitely gave me flashbacks to getting sick watching The Kingdom at Keith's. The movie didn't end until 6:30 or so at which point I needed to hurry home to eat before meeting up with Cristian and co. for the soccer game at the gym.
When I got home, Daisy told me she thought he'd said we were meeting at 7:30, so I took a little bit of extra time eating with her and lef the house around 7:10. Didn't see anyone so I sat on the steps. Luckily I brought my book with me, so I just sat and read, waiting for them to show. It had been quite some time since I'd gotten to the steps so I headed home, pretty sure that I'd missed them...which I had. It's 8 and the game starts at 8:10 so they must have met up at 7:00 like I originally thought. Bummer.
I'm not really in the mood to keep reading so I'm just going to sleep...8pm. go team.
After our crit I watched Pan's Labyrinth in Spanish at the auditorium. It was a really weird movie. I'm still not sure what I think of it. The gore definitely gave me flashbacks to getting sick watching The Kingdom at Keith's. The movie didn't end until 6:30 or so at which point I needed to hurry home to eat before meeting up with Cristian and co. for the soccer game at the gym.
When I got home, Daisy told me she thought he'd said we were meeting at 7:30, so I took a little bit of extra time eating with her and lef the house around 7:10. Didn't see anyone so I sat on the steps. Luckily I brought my book with me, so I just sat and read, waiting for them to show. It had been quite some time since I'd gotten to the steps so I headed home, pretty sure that I'd missed them...which I had. It's 8 and the game starts at 8:10 so they must have met up at 7:00 like I originally thought. Bummer.
I'm not really in the mood to keep reading so I'm just going to sleep...8pm. go team.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"Jungle Fever?"
Woke up at 6 this morning to go running with Keith. He's been going a ton and after a weekend at the beach with plans to return I've decided it's time to get back on the workout wagon. Made it down to the corner and didn't see him in either direction...waited a minute or two then decided that if he passed, I shouldn't wait for him to get back or I wouldn't get a run in, and if he wasn't there yet he would catch I headed toward the Insitute...realistically a short run but it's legitimately uphill-both ways.
I did pretty well. I'm glad that I knew the route because it allowed me to push myself up the hill, aware of where the end of the run would be before stretching and turning back. It was a short workout. I got to MVI in 7:10 and walked around looking for my running buddy (who I'd caught a glimpse of at a corner on the way up). He was nowhere in sight so I asked a girl on the street and she said he'd kept running (that skilled kid), so I just waited and stretched until he came back by on his way home. The overall run isn't too bad, it's the really steep hill on the way back to my house that's the real killer. It's a curve AND steep, AND the entire run is on unpaved roads...makes for a good workout for the brain while it tries to rapidly calculate where to step to avoid landing on your face!
Had a great fruit breakfast with Daisy before hitting up the institute again for Spanish class. Nothing too big today. Our assignment for next week is to learn the different genres of latin music...easy right? Except not. I know that different dances/types exist, but I can't distinguish them, which will make this quite a learning experience for me...part of our assignment is to go dancing this weekend! Like I said, Cristina is great! Friday we are meeting at her house for breakfast before we check out her husband's art studio which should be really neat. Yay!
Just after class we found out that not only were we going to San Luis, but we were also meeting with the client! ARGH! Little notice is very difficult to deal with and is an added stress. We've only really had a day or two to design and didn't have many questions. When we got to the site we came up with a few more things on the spot which should help us out a bit, so the stress ended up being unnecessary (as always).
We checked out some different construction types before heading to the institute including the women's coop for paper product recycling, which has a bamboo structure that was re-constructed by a previous Sustainable Futures group, as well as some sort of wood-framed home that had walls made of a plant and mud-clay combo. It was the first time I've seen something like that in person.
Back at school we ate lunch, I almost fell asleep in the rocking chair on the porch then we attended Kevin's lecture on Natural Building. It's so frustrating that we DON'T all build this just. makes. sense.
Once again, we jumped in the back of the truck and headed out, this time to see the AYA (acqueduct association) building in Santa Elena. It was bigger than the one we need to design for our site, but it was good to get a sense of size and required spaces to design, including a room for shelves which store the paper trail for ten years.
We got some diesel (which is what most cars take here)...totally not illegally stored in someone's garage since the nearest gas station is a good 40 km away or something...yeaaa....'bout that.
Got back to studio with about an hour left...I was not able to be very productive. Got to talk to Dad on skype for a bit, and read more of my spanish book before heading home for dinner with Daisy. I saw Cristian on the way and he said I can catch a ride on a moto down to watch their game tomorrow--coolio. I may try to catch some of the hockey game before I meet them near my house...we'll have to see how the timing works out.
I did pretty well. I'm glad that I knew the route because it allowed me to push myself up the hill, aware of where the end of the run would be before stretching and turning back. It was a short workout. I got to MVI in 7:10 and walked around looking for my running buddy (who I'd caught a glimpse of at a corner on the way up). He was nowhere in sight so I asked a girl on the street and she said he'd kept running (that skilled kid), so I just waited and stretched until he came back by on his way home. The overall run isn't too bad, it's the really steep hill on the way back to my house that's the real killer. It's a curve AND steep, AND the entire run is on unpaved roads...makes for a good workout for the brain while it tries to rapidly calculate where to step to avoid landing on your face!
Had a great fruit breakfast with Daisy before hitting up the institute again for Spanish class. Nothing too big today. Our assignment for next week is to learn the different genres of latin music...easy right? Except not. I know that different dances/types exist, but I can't distinguish them, which will make this quite a learning experience for me...part of our assignment is to go dancing this weekend! Like I said, Cristina is great! Friday we are meeting at her house for breakfast before we check out her husband's art studio which should be really neat. Yay!
Just after class we found out that not only were we going to San Luis, but we were also meeting with the client! ARGH! Little notice is very difficult to deal with and is an added stress. We've only really had a day or two to design and didn't have many questions. When we got to the site we came up with a few more things on the spot which should help us out a bit, so the stress ended up being unnecessary (as always).
We checked out some different construction types before heading to the institute including the women's coop for paper product recycling, which has a bamboo structure that was re-constructed by a previous Sustainable Futures group, as well as some sort of wood-framed home that had walls made of a plant and mud-clay combo. It was the first time I've seen something like that in person.
Back at school we ate lunch, I almost fell asleep in the rocking chair on the porch then we attended Kevin's lecture on Natural Building. It's so frustrating that we DON'T all build this just. makes. sense.
Once again, we jumped in the back of the truck and headed out, this time to see the AYA (acqueduct association) building in Santa Elena. It was bigger than the one we need to design for our site, but it was good to get a sense of size and required spaces to design, including a room for shelves which store the paper trail for ten years.
We got some diesel (which is what most cars take here)...totally not illegally stored in someone's garage since the nearest gas station is a good 40 km away or something...yeaaa....'bout that.
Got back to studio with about an hour left...I was not able to be very productive. Got to talk to Dad on skype for a bit, and read more of my spanish book before heading home for dinner with Daisy. I saw Cristian on the way and he said I can catch a ride on a moto down to watch their game tomorrow--coolio. I may try to catch some of the hockey game before I meet them near my house...we'll have to see how the timing works out.
After dinner I met up with Keith and we walked down to a different Pizzeria where we got a crepe and cappuchinos before the gang showed up for a rousing game of Jungle Speed...which I heard incorrectly the first time as "Fever." A whole bunch of us met up and the game was huge which was cool. Will was hilarious...losing almost every opportunity possible! Linsey stopped by with her bro, Yenaro (spelling?), and their exchange student, Max. Sam, Tuona, Bryan, Amber, Kevin, Keith, Brita and Isabelle (Kevin's daughters), Will and I were all sitting around one of the tree-section tables making tons of noise and having a great time of it.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Finally designing
Woke up this morning after my first really restless night since I left the US and decided not to meet up with Keith to run this morning. When I told Daisy, she said "I'll do it tomorrow--a woman's words." That just fired me you can bet I'll be running tomorrow!
It's Adam's Bday-Happy bday to him. I missed the Greeny girls' bdays while we were at the beach, so happy birthdays to them as well!
We met this morning and talked more...and then FINALLY split up and started trying to design a way to fit the programs into the site. It is definitely difficult. I basically took the road of...there are two even levels, the question is only where the cut into the land it occurring for the first floor. I tried to put the maximum greywater treatment area possible...I may change that up when I go at the designing again tomorrow. We have to talk to Anibal, but I'm really hoping that we can put parking in the public area...that would help us out a ton with space to spread out program and create more green space for Amber to work with.
By the end of the day I was pretty burnt out from designing my first three schemes so I read the second chapter of my book from Cristina for Spanish (Unica, mirando al mar). I actually am getting into it and am almost halfway done. I just realized that I can't remember the last time I completed a book in English. The novels I've read...or started...have all been in Spanish for as long as I can remember. The only exception is for required reading I've done for classes. (And most of THAT was for Spanish classes!! Hmmmm. I suppose the FLW book I borrowed will count if I finish it when I get home but it's definitely not a novel. Time will tell, I suppose.
So after class I stuck around and talked to Mom and Dad. They're coming with Jess and Alice July 2. I think Keith and I are going to meet up with them in Jaco, a beachtown on the Pacific coast in the Gulf of Nicoya. We'll have to figure out what to do for the free week up to that point...perhaps Samara?!
Keith and I walked flip-flops flipped and flopped a ton of mud all over my khaki well--they are really easy to clean.
I took a quick shower, changed, and headed toward MoonShiva to watch Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Met up with Tyler and Bryan on the scared out of my mind by cows who had gotten out of the pasture and were moving around on the side of the road, and killed a scorpion on the way! Eventful, no?!
Got to Moon Shiva and the boys headed home...I went down the stairs and didn't see anyone so I headed out and kept walking a short way until I ran into Bryan and we walked back together and waited for everyone to show. In the meantime we found out the cable wasn't working so we transferred to Johnny's Pizzeria to watch the game. We caught the 2nd and 3rd periods and watched them with a woman from Detroit which was entertaining. Linsey, Amber, and I split I really want to go running tomorrow!!
Marlen and Mariana were waiting for me when I got home. Mariana is such a cutie when she isn't crying! haha. Desperate Housewives was on TV in Spanish...the tornado I know anything about that having never watched it, I have no idea?! Whatever. Didn't bother starting a new trend so it's bedtime.
It's Adam's Bday-Happy bday to him. I missed the Greeny girls' bdays while we were at the beach, so happy birthdays to them as well!
We met this morning and talked more...and then FINALLY split up and started trying to design a way to fit the programs into the site. It is definitely difficult. I basically took the road of...there are two even levels, the question is only where the cut into the land it occurring for the first floor. I tried to put the maximum greywater treatment area possible...I may change that up when I go at the designing again tomorrow. We have to talk to Anibal, but I'm really hoping that we can put parking in the public area...that would help us out a ton with space to spread out program and create more green space for Amber to work with.
By the end of the day I was pretty burnt out from designing my first three schemes so I read the second chapter of my book from Cristina for Spanish (Unica, mirando al mar). I actually am getting into it and am almost halfway done. I just realized that I can't remember the last time I completed a book in English. The novels I've read...or started...have all been in Spanish for as long as I can remember. The only exception is for required reading I've done for classes. (And most of THAT was for Spanish classes!! Hmmmm. I suppose the FLW book I borrowed will count if I finish it when I get home but it's definitely not a novel. Time will tell, I suppose.
So after class I stuck around and talked to Mom and Dad. They're coming with Jess and Alice July 2. I think Keith and I are going to meet up with them in Jaco, a beachtown on the Pacific coast in the Gulf of Nicoya. We'll have to figure out what to do for the free week up to that point...perhaps Samara?!
Keith and I walked flip-flops flipped and flopped a ton of mud all over my khaki well--they are really easy to clean.
I took a quick shower, changed, and headed toward MoonShiva to watch Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Met up with Tyler and Bryan on the scared out of my mind by cows who had gotten out of the pasture and were moving around on the side of the road, and killed a scorpion on the way! Eventful, no?!
Got to Moon Shiva and the boys headed home...I went down the stairs and didn't see anyone so I headed out and kept walking a short way until I ran into Bryan and we walked back together and waited for everyone to show. In the meantime we found out the cable wasn't working so we transferred to Johnny's Pizzeria to watch the game. We caught the 2nd and 3rd periods and watched them with a woman from Detroit which was entertaining. Linsey, Amber, and I split I really want to go running tomorrow!!
Marlen and Mariana were waiting for me when I got home. Mariana is such a cutie when she isn't crying! haha. Desperate Housewives was on TV in Spanish...the tornado I know anything about that having never watched it, I have no idea?! Whatever. Didn't bother starting a new trend so it's bedtime.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Back at it... missing the beach.
yeeeeeah shirts!

Fixage for the photo op:

No soccer...odd. Oh well. It worked out well because at dinner I was telling Daisy about the shells that we collected at the beach to make jewelry with and was asking where we could buy string and she showed me what she had in her sewing room and let me see all of the different seeds that they use to make bracelets to sell at the Co-op. The various shapes, colors, and sizes were unimaginable and I'm really hoping that Marlen will show me some techniques she uses to make them into jewelry. As for Daisy and I, we jumped right in and started stringing things together. She taught me a way to double and twist string that doesn't allow it to unwind afterwards which also makes it thicker and stronger. We made two shell necklaces and a coral bracelet. Next time we go to the beach I'm going to bring some string so I can just make them will fill that down time that I hate where we just sit around and do nothing...I know--terrible life, right?
So it's been a design-oriented day, albeit not having anything to do with architecture!
I have a feeling this will be a good week. I even read the first chapter of my spanish book after we finished the jewelry while Daisy worked on her quilting. Sleep now...I'm going running at 6 with Keith tomorrow. 
Love <3 hehe
Can't believe how fast I passed out last night when I finally allowed myself to!
Today Kevin Connors, our arch professor arrived for his first day with us. His daughters are here with him and his wife and son are coming later on.
We had Spanish this morning and Fernando got sick again so he is out for the day so it was girls' day for class and we had some good discussions that don't happen every day so it was really nice. Cristina really seems to care a lot about our emotional, intellectual, and physical needs which is really awesome. It's nice to know we have someone to go to if we need her.
Our first studio issue of the day was a round-yard discussion (yes, we had class outside in the sun because it was beautiful!) where we described our projects and the developments we've made on them so far to Kevin. We also did sort of a run-down group therapy share session about our host-family lives and that was quite enlightening...who knew that some people had internet? Or that some people in our class are the host-uncles of others?? haha. Good times.
This afternoon there wasn't too much going on...our project needs a bit more direction and our major research is done. Keith was finishing up the site map so Tuona and I finally designed and cut up our MVI shirts for this weekend (shout out to Jill and her Michael Jordan shirt from our Jr. Class Trip to DC!!!) It was definitely a fun little design and implementation charette and I think we are both pretty happy bout the outcomes...can't wait to see Anibal's reaction to the destruction of the shirts! haha. Oh boy.
Today Kevin Connors, our arch professor arrived for his first day with us. His daughters are here with him and his wife and son are coming later on.
We had Spanish this morning and Fernando got sick again so he is out for the day so it was girls' day for class and we had some good discussions that don't happen every day so it was really nice. Cristina really seems to care a lot about our emotional, intellectual, and physical needs which is really awesome. It's nice to know we have someone to go to if we need her.
Our first studio issue of the day was a round-yard discussion (yes, we had class outside in the sun because it was beautiful!) where we described our projects and the developments we've made on them so far to Kevin. We also did sort of a run-down group therapy share session about our host-family lives and that was quite enlightening...who knew that some people had internet? Or that some people in our class are the host-uncles of others?? haha. Good times.
This afternoon there wasn't too much going on...our project needs a bit more direction and our major research is done. Keith was finishing up the site map so Tuona and I finally designed and cut up our MVI shirts for this weekend (shout out to Jill and her Michael Jordan shirt from our Jr. Class Trip to DC!!!) It was definitely a fun little design and implementation charette and I think we are both pretty happy bout the outcomes...can't wait to see Anibal's reaction to the destruction of the shirts! haha. Oh boy.
Fixage for the photo op:
No soccer...odd. Oh well. It worked out well because at dinner I was telling Daisy about the shells that we collected at the beach to make jewelry with and was asking where we could buy string and she showed me what she had in her sewing room and let me see all of the different seeds that they use to make bracelets to sell at the Co-op. The various shapes, colors, and sizes were unimaginable and I'm really hoping that Marlen will show me some techniques she uses to make them into jewelry. As for Daisy and I, we jumped right in and started stringing things together. She taught me a way to double and twist string that doesn't allow it to unwind afterwards which also makes it thicker and stronger. We made two shell necklaces and a coral bracelet. Next time we go to the beach I'm going to bring some string so I can just make them will fill that down time that I hate where we just sit around and do nothing...I know--terrible life, right?
So it's been a design-oriented day, albeit not having anything to do with architecture!
I have a feeling this will be a good week. I even read the first chapter of my spanish book after we finished the jewelry while Daisy worked on her quilting. Sleep now...I'm going running at 6 with Keith tomorrow.
Love <3 hehe
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Samara Surfin'
Our hotel:
Woke up pretty early today and Linsey and I woke the boys up for breakfast. Everyone met up to eat before we lathered ourselves with sunscreen and headed out. A few of the girls and I stopped to grab towels at a little surf shop on the way before hitting the beach. Once there, we were immediately greeted by Choco, owner of Choco Surf, and his gang of cute surf instructors. 

Since we went in shifts, I attempted to play photgrapher-extraordinaire for the second group. Yay surfing!

Me & Tuona...modelling...I smiled...darnit!
So once we were all surfed out and the tide was creeping in, we took a break and played some frisbee. Blondie from last night showed up...he works at the bar! Imagine that. We found out that the girl who was in a fight is the owner's daughter...which explains why she didn't get kicked out for beating the other girl's face in last night... haha.
The day seemed to stretch on a good way. Lots of reapplying of sunscreen occurred to be safe. We had lunch at a little place next to the bar where the smoothies were only about $2. Mmmm. More frisbee amongst Sam, Lins, Amber and I was fabulous before we hit up the bar...which I STILL do not know the name watch the Costa Rica vs. Trinidad and Tobago game. Finally met Frank (the blonde) and Jairo, who were really nice. The electricity went out and the score was 1-1...bummer. Sat around for a bit before we realized that the music wasn't coming back on then packed up and headed back to the hotel.
Rinsed off in the pool then went inside only to find that the boys had gone to eat, minus Tyler who was bedridden with hangover or sun-poisoning. So the rest of us got it together and walked to a restaurant called Esmeralda's as suggested by Eric. Had to get seafood...because where else would you buy it but at the beach where it's caught? And then proceeded to wait 45 minutes for our waiter to bring the bill after Josh asked for it...falling asleep the entire time! It worked out alright because it had started (and stopped) pouring rain in the meantime and since none of us thought to bring our jackets along, we avoided getting completely soaked.
Saw Frank and the other surfers on our way back and collectively decided it was naptime before we went out. We were supposed to sleep for 30 minutes...
4am rolled around and I woke up to Tuona coming home from the night out...What?! I totally passed out earlier and missed the wakeup call that she gave us at 11. Fell asleep momentarily and went into a dream state about getting up to go out since I thought it was only 1 am and there was still time to go dancing before places closed. Except we weren't in Samara, we were in a I wasn't worries. Bummer to the wasted night but glad to rest up for tomorrow. 
Eric & Me

Lessons cost each of us about $20. Not bad. They gave us the rundown on techniques and such and made us practice on the beach before we went out then split us up. Bryan and I had Eric as an instructor. He was encouraging and helpful. Unfortunately Tuona did not have quite the same luck with her instructor...bummer. All in all we did pretty well. I could definitely tell that I was getting tired when I had a hard time standing up on the board.
Lessons cost each of us about $20. Not bad. They gave us the rundown on techniques and such and made us practice on the beach before we went out then split us up. Bryan and I had Eric as an instructor. He was encouraging and helpful. Unfortunately Tuona did not have quite the same luck with her instructor...bummer. All in all we did pretty well. I could definitely tell that I was getting tired when I had a hard time standing up on the board.
Fernando & Me
Since we went in shifts, I attempted to play photgrapher-extraordinaire for the second group. Yay surfing!
Me & Tuona...modelling...I smiled...darnit!
So once we were all surfed out and the tide was creeping in, we took a break and played some frisbee. Blondie from last night showed up...he works at the bar! Imagine that. We found out that the girl who was in a fight is the owner's daughter...which explains why she didn't get kicked out for beating the other girl's face in last night... haha.
The day seemed to stretch on a good way. Lots of reapplying of sunscreen occurred to be safe. We had lunch at a little place next to the bar where the smoothies were only about $2. Mmmm. More frisbee amongst Sam, Lins, Amber and I was fabulous before we hit up the bar...which I STILL do not know the name watch the Costa Rica vs. Trinidad and Tobago game. Finally met Frank (the blonde) and Jairo, who were really nice. The electricity went out and the score was 1-1...bummer. Sat around for a bit before we realized that the music wasn't coming back on then packed up and headed back to the hotel.
Rinsed off in the pool then went inside only to find that the boys had gone to eat, minus Tyler who was bedridden with hangover or sun-poisoning. So the rest of us got it together and walked to a restaurant called Esmeralda's as suggested by Eric. Had to get seafood...because where else would you buy it but at the beach where it's caught? And then proceeded to wait 45 minutes for our waiter to bring the bill after Josh asked for it...falling asleep the entire time! It worked out alright because it had started (and stopped) pouring rain in the meantime and since none of us thought to bring our jackets along, we avoided getting completely soaked.
Saw Frank and the other surfers on our way back and collectively decided it was naptime before we went out. We were supposed to sleep for 30 minutes...
4am rolled around and I woke up to Tuona coming home from the night out...What?! I totally passed out earlier and missed the wakeup call that she gave us at 11. Fell asleep momentarily and went into a dream state about getting up to go out since I thought it was only 1 am and there was still time to go dancing before places closed. Except we weren't in Samara, we were in a I wasn't worries. Bummer to the wasted night but glad to rest up for tomorrow.
Bikes, Hammocks, and Surfboards: Pura Vida!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Headin to the Beach!!
Had Spanish class this am then spent most of the day recapping and talking out what we need to have ready before we charrette our design ideas out. It went pretty well and I think we'll be ready to go on Monday when our Architecture professor, Kevin, gets here. Jajean gave a lecture this afternoon on different types of planning...definitely clarified a few key differences which is really helpful.
Off to the beach-and a little more than 3 hours and approximately 10 carsick students later we arrived in Samara, Costa Rica...a beachtown on the Pacific side of the Nicoya peninsula in the district of Guanacaste. We had Burger King for dinner in the most moth-infested location I have ever existed in, and I ate on the bus to avoid eating any bugs.
Off to the beach-and a little more than 3 hours and approximately 10 carsick students later we arrived in Samara, Costa Rica...a beachtown on the Pacific side of the Nicoya peninsula in the district of Guanacaste. We had Burger King for dinner in the most moth-infested location I have ever existed in, and I ate on the bus to avoid eating any bugs.
Lins, Meg, & Tuona
The boys (minus Bryan): Tyler, Fernando, Josh, & Bryan:

The hotel is nice, cheap, has a pool, and is close to the beach. Score! As you can see, we made ourselves right at home within about 15 minutes:

Since Sam, Tuona, Linsey and I are sharing a room, we sent everyone else to the bar ahead of us so we had time to shower and get ready. On our way out we were sketched out by some dudes sitting around a car en route to the bar, so we crossed the street and took pictures, in the rain, of some wild horses until we noticed Fernando and Bryan walking in the rain back toward the hotel in search of us! We walked with them to the bar and chilled until around 10:30 or 11 when it started filling up with locals and foreigners alike. I didn't catch the name of where we were, but a few of the guys there surf and we got a deal for surfing tomorrow so that's our gameplan!
The hotel is nice, cheap, has a pool, and is close to the beach. Score! As you can see, we made ourselves right at home within about 15 minutes:
Since Sam, Tuona, Linsey and I are sharing a room, we sent everyone else to the bar ahead of us so we had time to shower and get ready. On our way out we were sketched out by some dudes sitting around a car en route to the bar, so we crossed the street and took pictures, in the rain, of some wild horses until we noticed Fernando and Bryan walking in the rain back toward the hotel in search of us! We walked with them to the bar and chilled until around 10:30 or 11 when it started filling up with locals and foreigners alike. I didn't catch the name of where we were, but a few of the guys there surf and we got a deal for surfing tomorrow so that's our gameplan!
I swear...there are horses in this picture!!:
Tuona & Josh:
Me & Josh:
The DJ played Reggae all night, which I'm not too into, so I kinda chilled for the most part and only danced to a few songs. Lots of cute surfer dudes with long hair. Haha. I was pretty disturbed by the guys standing along the sides watching everyone dance, so I definitely turned down a few invites, and waited for one of the blonde guys to head over and eventually gave into Tuona's pleading and danced with her and Sam, and then Fernando.
Tuona, Fernando, & Sam:
Tuona & Me
A fight broke out between two girls...the one girl was tiny and went after the other girl again even after the bouncers pulled her away! Then another girl fight led to some guy punching another one and yeah...end of the night for the bar. We were walking back and Josh decided he needed to touch the then we ALL decided to join in...but only after being responsible tourist and leaving all personal items in the hotel room at which point most of us just went in with the clothes on our backs!
Bryan & Tuona:
After quite some time in the moonlit ocean we rinsed off in the pool under the watchful eye of the guard, who only chose to yell at us when we got back to our rooms and were talking too loudly with the windows open...go figure. All in all a good night. Can't wait for surfing tomorrow!
The Girls! Sam, Tuona, Meg, Linsey, Amber (& crazy dancing pink girl):
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Another day
So I was back on track today. We headed to San Luis this morning around 8:30 or so to take site measurements and survey for a few hours. It was so nice to just be outdoors and in the sun. After a few hours of work we sat around on rocks in the cow pasture and waited for Anibal to come back to pick us up, just chatting and taking in the sun...some more than others--I had sunscreen thanks to Will.
Will and I worked on putting the points into sketchup, CAD, and Rhino during the afternoon and found that we were only 20cm off in our measuring over a distance of about 45 meters...not too shabby!
On the walk home I saw Cristian and he invited me to come watch their game tonight around 8. I was planning on going to the supermarket(SuperCompro) before meeting people at Tree House in Santa Elena around then, so I thought it might be a possibility. I ended up meeting up with Sam and Tuona at the pizzeria and walking to Tree House at 8:15ish where we met up with Josh. I split a pizza with Sam and we all just sat and talked for a while. On the way home Sam taxi'd it up and the rest of us walked and ended up running into Fernando who was on his way to meet up with us. Since all of the places up the hill were closed we headed back down to Bar Amigos and watched Cruzada, which Tuona says is actually titled 'Kingdom of Heaven' in the US.
Fernando approached DJ Toni to put some Pachata (spelling?) on and we danced for a bit during commercials. Grabbed a taxi to get home around 11:30 and I'm officially exhausted.
Plain White T's, John Mayer, and Jason Mraz were on the radio today which made me happy. There isn't enough music going on here...I definitely miss that, and spicy food.
I sleep for nearly 1/2 the day and I am still always tired but I'm in Costa pura vida--gotta just live it up.
Will and I worked on putting the points into sketchup, CAD, and Rhino during the afternoon and found that we were only 20cm off in our measuring over a distance of about 45 meters...not too shabby!
On the walk home I saw Cristian and he invited me to come watch their game tonight around 8. I was planning on going to the supermarket(SuperCompro) before meeting people at Tree House in Santa Elena around then, so I thought it might be a possibility. I ended up meeting up with Sam and Tuona at the pizzeria and walking to Tree House at 8:15ish where we met up with Josh. I split a pizza with Sam and we all just sat and talked for a while. On the way home Sam taxi'd it up and the rest of us walked and ended up running into Fernando who was on his way to meet up with us. Since all of the places up the hill were closed we headed back down to Bar Amigos and watched Cruzada, which Tuona says is actually titled 'Kingdom of Heaven' in the US.
Fernando approached DJ Toni to put some Pachata (spelling?) on and we danced for a bit during commercials. Grabbed a taxi to get home around 11:30 and I'm officially exhausted.
Plain White T's, John Mayer, and Jason Mraz were on the radio today which made me happy. There isn't enough music going on here...I definitely miss that, and spicy food.
I sleep for nearly 1/2 the day and I am still always tired but I'm in Costa pura vida--gotta just live it up.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
US in Costa Rica
Had spanish class this am. Nothin too crazy. I like that Cristina is really into global awareness and social justice because we get to read a lot about it and it's a really cool topic to discuss in a formal setting.
Fernando is trying to set up a trip to the beach for this weekend. People are beginning to get homesick, and I'm definitely not an exception. My mind has been kind of all over the place and with lots of unsure footings it's hard too keep my focus for too long on any given thing.
It was really nice to have the US @ Costa Rica soccer game tonight, though. We all met up at Bar Amigos around 7 to watch the game. Linsey was all decked out in her host-family's CR stuff which was entertaining. We got whomped, 3-1 and played absolutely horrendously but it was really exciting to see how pumped everyone was for the goals. I'm pretty sure I hear that it's the first time we've scored here in a long time, and we rarely, if ever, win it was to be expected. I'm sure Anibal will give us a hard time about it tomorrow. It's been a long week and a half.
Fernando is trying to set up a trip to the beach for this weekend. People are beginning to get homesick, and I'm definitely not an exception. My mind has been kind of all over the place and with lots of unsure footings it's hard too keep my focus for too long on any given thing.
It was really nice to have the US @ Costa Rica soccer game tonight, though. We all met up at Bar Amigos around 7 to watch the game. Linsey was all decked out in her host-family's CR stuff which was entertaining. We got whomped, 3-1 and played absolutely horrendously but it was really exciting to see how pumped everyone was for the goals. I'm pretty sure I hear that it's the first time we've scored here in a long time, and we rarely, if ever, win it was to be expected. I'm sure Anibal will give us a hard time about it tomorrow. It's been a long week and a half.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Finally Getting Started
Got up, ate breakfast with Daisy and headed to class. Didn't see anyone when I got to the gas station so I just walked up alone. Spent most of the morning attempting to look for information on San Luis and previous projects at the institute but there were only two projects and neither had much, if anything, to do with our project as far as we could tell. I did get a bit of background from a town history written in Spanish. So I guess that was good to know.
Ate lunch outside then finally gave in to a date at the cheese factory/icecream shop with Josh-haha. Got a mint chocolate-chip shake...good deal.
After that we came back and attempted to do a bit more research before jumping into Anibal's truck to take on the Camino del Trancho...a super-steep road down to San Luis...where we met up with Francisco and Ramon for a project overview and meeeting. Got some good info then came back to studio and had a debriefing meeting before we all packed up to go home.
I walked with everyone until we got to Keith's driveway where we headed uphill to his house and I had one of the family dogs bark at me until he came out prepared for some soccer. We walked back to play some futbol with the guys across the street from my house, played for a bit, then decided to meet up tomorrow before the US-Costa Rica game.
Had dinner with Marlen, Daisy, and Raul then watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Costa Rica-style! Off to bed again and it's only 9 or am I going to stay away long enough for the game tomorrow?! Blah!
Ate lunch outside then finally gave in to a date at the cheese factory/icecream shop with Josh-haha. Got a mint chocolate-chip shake...good deal.
After that we came back and attempted to do a bit more research before jumping into Anibal's truck to take on the Camino del Trancho...a super-steep road down to San Luis...where we met up with Francisco and Ramon for a project overview and meeeting. Got some good info then came back to studio and had a debriefing meeting before we all packed up to go home.
I walked with everyone until we got to Keith's driveway where we headed uphill to his house and I had one of the family dogs bark at me until he came out prepared for some soccer. We walked back to play some futbol with the guys across the street from my house, played for a bit, then decided to meet up tomorrow before the US-Costa Rica game.
Had dinner with Marlen, Daisy, and Raul then watched Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Costa Rica-style! Off to bed again and it's only 9 or am I going to stay away long enough for the game tomorrow?! Blah!
Monday, June 1, 2009
back to Monteverde
Got up this morning and hit up the reception to find out about the Jeep-Boat-Jeep ticket...they still weren't open so I went to the buffet breakfast with the girls and then went back. The place was open but they won't run the trip unless they have 4 people and they didn't have any others so we called Eagle Tours and they agreed to pick me up.
Milton picked me up in the bus at 8:15 and I said goodbye to everyone who was heading out on the horseback and ATV tours for the day. Wish I could have stayed...
We picked up some other people for our trip who were also coming to Monteverde including a guy from Syracuse who teaches in Arizona, a couple from Vancouver, another girl from Canada, and some others who I didn't talk with. The car ride to the lake was quick and the boat ride was awesome. The sun and breeze were a great way to start a day and with a view of the volcano, it was pretty great. Milton said sometimes when they don't have customers they can take the boats out just to swim and said I should let him know if we want to do that one weekend.
Got back to the house and ate the lunch that Daisy had left for me before heading up to the institute. It took a little less than 15 minutes and I was sweaty and gross. Boo. I got assigned to a studio group with Keith, Will, Josh, an Amber to work on an office building for the municipal government of San Luis and the water authority.
Everyone went up to the Friends School in the afternoon where one of the parents grilled us for being students and wanted to know all of our qualifications etc (because she was an architecture student when she lived in Germany...whatever that was supposed to imply). The project there seems really neat and has a lot of options especially because it is a pretty experimental Montessori school...bilingual to boot! We got to learn a bit about greywater treatment...but it's al fairly basic and aside from being able to actually see it in person I don't know that we gained to much new info yet. Amber is going to start researching that tonight before our own meeting in San Luis tomorrow.
It's been slow at school because we can't really get much started until we go to our meeting and they spell project for us so tomorrow morning we're just going to do some research on the community and on past projects done by the Sustainable Futures groups there.
Left studio around 5:30 with the intention of meeting up with people around 8 at bar amigos. When I got home Daisy still wasn't back so I went outside to play some soccer with some guys across the street. Christian, who was playing at the gym, was there. I don't think he remembered me, but whatever? We played for a bit before it was too dark to continue, even with the lights, and I headed inside where the fam was waiting. The guys invited me to play tomorrow and to bring whoever. I'm not sure that many more people will fit in the yard they were in, but we'll see.
Had pasta and rice for dinner and lots of water to rehydrate after my weekend of soccer then aYipi (chocolate-covered vanilla wafer) for dessert. Marlen and the kids stayed over and we all watched a special on TV about the poverty that the fishermen and their families are experiencing on the coasts of Costa Rica due to the low prices that people are willing to pay. Marlen and Daisy seem very conscious of the issue of poverty and were really into it which I thought was really interesting. Marlen was upset because of how little the fishermen get payed compared to how much the restaurants sell it for to tourists, etc. She's totally right.
After Marlen took the kids to bed I called Keith to come get me so we could walk to Bar Amigos but it was 8:15 and he was already gone. I tried Fernando and he was already sleeping. I stayed up for a little bit longer watching the news with Daisy before we both just decided to go to bed. I have nothing better to do, I suppose. I really don't know what to do with down time here. So it's not even 9 and I'm going to sleep.
Milton picked me up in the bus at 8:15 and I said goodbye to everyone who was heading out on the horseback and ATV tours for the day. Wish I could have stayed...
We picked up some other people for our trip who were also coming to Monteverde including a guy from Syracuse who teaches in Arizona, a couple from Vancouver, another girl from Canada, and some others who I didn't talk with. The car ride to the lake was quick and the boat ride was awesome. The sun and breeze were a great way to start a day and with a view of the volcano, it was pretty great. Milton said sometimes when they don't have customers they can take the boats out just to swim and said I should let him know if we want to do that one weekend.
Got back to the house and ate the lunch that Daisy had left for me before heading up to the institute. It took a little less than 15 minutes and I was sweaty and gross. Boo. I got assigned to a studio group with Keith, Will, Josh, an Amber to work on an office building for the municipal government of San Luis and the water authority.
Everyone went up to the Friends School in the afternoon where one of the parents grilled us for being students and wanted to know all of our qualifications etc (because she was an architecture student when she lived in Germany...whatever that was supposed to imply). The project there seems really neat and has a lot of options especially because it is a pretty experimental Montessori school...bilingual to boot! We got to learn a bit about greywater treatment...but it's al fairly basic and aside from being able to actually see it in person I don't know that we gained to much new info yet. Amber is going to start researching that tonight before our own meeting in San Luis tomorrow.
It's been slow at school because we can't really get much started until we go to our meeting and they spell project for us so tomorrow morning we're just going to do some research on the community and on past projects done by the Sustainable Futures groups there.
Left studio around 5:30 with the intention of meeting up with people around 8 at bar amigos. When I got home Daisy still wasn't back so I went outside to play some soccer with some guys across the street. Christian, who was playing at the gym, was there. I don't think he remembered me, but whatever? We played for a bit before it was too dark to continue, even with the lights, and I headed inside where the fam was waiting. The guys invited me to play tomorrow and to bring whoever. I'm not sure that many more people will fit in the yard they were in, but we'll see.
Had pasta and rice for dinner and lots of water to rehydrate after my weekend of soccer then aYipi (chocolate-covered vanilla wafer) for dessert. Marlen and the kids stayed over and we all watched a special on TV about the poverty that the fishermen and their families are experiencing on the coasts of Costa Rica due to the low prices that people are willing to pay. Marlen and Daisy seem very conscious of the issue of poverty and were really into it which I thought was really interesting. Marlen was upset because of how little the fishermen get payed compared to how much the restaurants sell it for to tourists, etc. She's totally right.
After Marlen took the kids to bed I called Keith to come get me so we could walk to Bar Amigos but it was 8:15 and he was already gone. I tried Fernando and he was already sleeping. I stayed up for a little bit longer watching the news with Daisy before we both just decided to go to bed. I have nothing better to do, I suppose. I really don't know what to do with down time here. So it's not even 9 and I'm going to sleep.
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