Headed up to the institute in a hurry this morning around 9:30 to meet Linsey and Tuona for the Friends' School rummage sale. It was HOT! No one was around so I figured they left without me and I just ran up there. The doors weren't open but there were a good 30 people waiting outside already...none of whom were my classmates! Cristina and Marco were there with their daughter, Naila...she's just adorable! I didn't have money, though I wish I did so I could have gotten something for Raulito's birthday and Mariana's baptism tomorrow.

Apparently someone photostalked with my camera...LINSEY.

Once I realized they weren't there, I headed back to studio to do a little work. Shortly thereafter I caught a huge portion of my family over skype at Aunt Mag & Uncle Lou's house for Liz's graduation party. Jealous. It sounded like a lot of fun and it made me miss home. For some reason the sound wasn't working so after making faces and reading lips for about 30 minutes Jess and I gave up.
Headed home then met up at Johnny's so we could go to the bat museum. Unfortunately, the woman Amber spoke to this afternoon is a liar...ok, maybe that's too strong of a statement, but either way when the group arrived, she came out and turned off the light and said they're closed. Super. By that time there was a decent-sized group of us so we headed to the Pizzeria where Ledi (pronounced "Lady") greeted us as per usual. We only had one deck of cards so we played a game that Keith called "Pass the Shit" since it only requires one card per person per round. Amber started demonstrating the card trick her host brother taught her, and even more of the group appeared!
Gravin & Lins:
At this point it was time to split up in order to accomodate everyone so Tuona, Lins, Bryan, Oriane and I went to Bar Amigos to dance. Not sure what everyone else ended up doing, they were still playing cards when we left. Met up with Gravin (sp?) upon arrival and he ended up hanging out and dancing with us most of the night! Marvin, Anibal's bro, and Jainer were there, too! I met Adolfo, who is his brother's twin as far as I'm concerned, which is how we met. I played soccer at the mini-field near my house with his bro and thought it was him! What's really entertaining about it is that I asked Adolfo's bro one day if he had been at the Cheese Factory earlier in the day and he told me that it must have been his brother...they really DO look alike, but apparently they aren't twins...? W/e.
No DJ Toni tonight! Much better than usual nights out at Amigos which was good. Chatted with Jainer for a bit til his g/f got mad--oops--it's too bad because he's really interesting to talk to. Fernando showed up around 1am. The smoke tonight was intense...I think it's because we were there a lot later and a lot longer than usual. The combo of cigarettes and the smoke machine was a bit extreme but all in all a really fun day!
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