Puppies on the loose on the walk with Dad to school!

Woke up after terrible sleep at the hotel and walked with Dad to the gas station. Ate breakfast with Daisy and got ready quickly then met back up to walk to school with Dad. As expected we had a round-table discussion of our vacations. I still think we probably did the most of anyone. The song "No Games" was in our heads all day...I really need to get that from Dan.

Wasn't too happy with tico-time today. Def are not prepared to start our next projects yet. The profs are meeting sometime this week and then we won't start until after that. Mom, Dad, Jess, and Alice went to the Butterfly Garden and the bridge walks through the canopy today. I am so jealous because had we known we wouldn't do anything until a brief presentation at 4, which was supposed to start at 3, I would have gone with them and seen more of Monteverde that we don't get to see since we're in class all day during the weeks. Oh well.
Went to meet up with Adolfo arounf 1:15...he was working already and Gabriel couldn't find him.
Amber and I walked down to the bank, and Ronald and Jandro gave us a ride part of the way. They can't give her money without her ATM card...bummer. Grabbed her camera from home then headed back to school. Saw Adolfo's bro and promised I would be at soccer around 5...they weren't there. It rained this afternoon so that was a bummer. Amber and I just ended up walkin to the cabin to see the fam.

From there we walked Amber home and hit up Tree House for dinner. Mmmmm Hamburguesaaaa! haha. The arroz con pollo was awesome too! On the way up to Johnny's we stopped at Amber's and Linsey's to see if they wanted to join. I made Alice ask Alejandro, in Spanish, if he wanted to come, too. Nothing like having non-english speakers around to force everyone to practice. Eric, Randall, and Luis were all working so that was cool. Still no Jainer (sp?).
Confronted Jandro about Ronald's interest in Amber...he seemed really upset about it so after we made our points we dropped it. The girls went home and I went to chill with Jandro and chat for a while. I finally found out that the name of the restaurant at the corner of the beach entrance to Samara is Barracudas...good to know!

I'm still exhausted from vacation. Tomorrow I'm going to start planning out our weekend trip to Samara (I just typed Canada, on accident...go figure-HI CAIT!). It looks like the field trip Anibal was planning wont be happening til next weekend which means that this will be our last opportunity since the weekend after the field trip will be the weekend before our final projects are due. Time is beginning to fly...yikes.
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