Was super sick today and had to stay fetal position until around 10:30 when I finally got up and got myself over to school to start the semester... great first impression for the new professors, no?
Helped Keith out a bit with some site map stuff and caught up on my journal until the group working on the high school came back and we were ready to head to La Cascada to get some site info. I was really excited about it--we've been looking through the gate at this building since we got here at the beginning of the summer. It used to be the best discoteca in the area and then they added a pool and additional space. In the meantime Bar Amigos and La Guarida were built and took away a lot of the customer base that had existed while also being way closer to the populations of Cerro Plano and Santa Elena.
We couldn't get inside the building which was kind of a bummer, but getting to walk up and around the building definitely took away the mystery that it had been when locked behind the gate!
This afternoon we just had a brief meeting before it was time to peace out. I gave Jairo a call and talked to Dad for a few minutes before his mic cut out or something and then I high-tailed it home, wallet in hand to catch Keith on the road. Didn't realize until I was almost to the gas station that I didn't have my housekey, which I'd left attached to my bag at studio...oops.
For once Dona Daisy wasn't up and about and didn't have the door open so I just trekked down to Marlen's where she, Ali, and I had boy-talk, laughed out of control, and hoped Marianita wouldn't be the apple that fell close to the proverbial tree! haha. Finally I needed to get out of there to get my stuff and run to Jandro's for a ride to the soccer game against none other than the group from the Institute that Anibal had gathered this afternoon! Such classic planning!
Daisy was home, jsut sleeping, so I was speedy and ran (almost) all the way down the the shop...sickness and hills will kill 'ya! The game was fun for the most part. Anibal crushed a shot into my knee and I'm sure the ball mark will last for days! Had to force the boys to let Keith play the field a bit, since he was not enjoying his constant goalie position, which also meant I ended up on the sideline for most of the second half of our playing time. Oh well. That's what I get for playing with dudes, especially locals who are good.
Got dropped off, showered, and ate dinner. I eat everything here, ok? Everything...but tonight...I could. not. do it. Daisy made this little mix of some squash-like thing, mayo, and cloves or something? Cilantro maybe? I choked down half of it before I just sat there, probably looking miserable but trying to pretend that I was just full. Luckily Marlen brought out some of Daisy's awesome raisin bread, which I never turn down, and I was able to fill myself up on it.
Going to bed chilly...it's really cold and I'm not liking it. And by cold I mean, 65? Ok--so it's not that bad...but after sweating like crazy in bathing suits at the beach...yeaaaaa.
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